Monday, June 12, 2006

My card...

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Why do I want to post this? I am not sure, but I guess, as a person, I want to be perceive as someone who is "you see what you get". I have secrets of my own which I share if asked. But I don't want to parade them, I am a very private person and of course, I really am a loner. I value aloneness. My nerves cannot stand a lot of people. Thus I hate crowds.

Anyway, I found out that in my readings and also in a reading by a different person, my tarot symbol is the Queen of Pentacles. Of course, I see myself in that card. I like people (one at a time). I want to love, to nurture and to listen to their stories. I want to find out about their journey so far and I would like to extend a helping hand if I could. But I learned that I should only help if the other party is ready.

So far, I love the Tarot. It gives me awareness and it keeps me grounded. I may be thought of as crazy but I am happy. I realized that this is a long, long, long journey so just try to learn what you can and just be angry, aggressive, possesive and just live out the various emotions without guilt (but hey, guilt is good also).

"To thine own self be true..." AMEN!

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